Name: CMC1 | Sequence: fasta or formatted (106aa) | NCBI GI: 32698876 | |
Description: COX assembly mitochondrial protein homolog
Referenced in: Iron, Copper, and Arsenic Metabolism
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![]() Amino acid Percentage Count Longest homopolymer A alanine 5.7 6 1 C cysteine 5.7 6 2 D aspartate 4.7 5 1 E glutamate 11.3 12 2 F phenylalanine 2.8 3 1 G glycine 1.9 2 1 H histidine 1.9 2 1 I isoleucine 2.8 3 1 K lysine 14.2 15 2 L leucine 8.5 9 1 M methionine 4.7 5 1 N asparagine 2.8 3 1 P proline 4.7 5 1 Q glutamine 3.8 4 1 R arginine 6.6 7 1 S serine 3.8 4 1 T threonine 4.7 5 1 V valine 5.7 6 2 W tryptophan 0.0 0 0 Y tyrosine 3.8 4 2 |
Comparative genomics:
Search single species RefSeq proteins at NCBI
Search summary ![]()
Figure data | ||
Related human proteins:Protein Relative score Description Self-match 1.000 COX assembly mitochondrial protein homolog DOCK10 0.026 dedicator of cytokinesis 10 C16orf61 0.020 hypothetical protein LOC56942 RBM10 0.015 RNA binding motif protein 10 isoform 1 RBM10 0.015 RNA binding motif protein 10 isoform 2 NDUFA8 0.010 NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1 alpha subcomplex, 8... GOLGB1 0.010 golgi autoantigen, golgin subfamily b, macrogolgin ... KIAA0947 0.010 hypothetical protein LOC23379 LOC100294071 0.010 PREDICTED: similar to zinc finger protein 208 [Homo... TNFRSF4 0.010 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 4 ... CLPS 0.010 colipase preproprotein PDLIM5 0.010 PDZ and LIM domain 5 isoform e DMRTA2 0.010 DMRT-like family A2 ZNF716 0.005 zinc finger protein 716 ZNF716 0.005 PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 716 ZNF716 0.005 PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 716 ZNF716 0.005 PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 716 ZNF716 0.005 PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 716 BLZF1 0.005 basic leucine zipper nuclear factor 1 VPS13A 0.005 vacuolar protein sorting 13A isoform B VPS13A 0.005 vacuolar protein sorting 13A isoform D VPS13A 0.005 vacuolar protein sorting 13A isoform A VPS13A 0.005 vacuolar protein sorting 13A isoform C TRIM10 0.005 tripartite motif-containing 10 isoform 1 TRIM10 0.005 tripartite motif-containing 10 isoform 2 ANKRD30A 0.005 ankyrin repeat domain 30A DDX60 0.005 DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 60 MAP9 0.005 aster-associated proteinHuman BLASTP results (used to prepare the table) |
Gene descriptions are from NCBI RefSeq. Search results were obtained with NCBI BLAST and RefSeq entries. When identical proteins are present, the self-match may not be listed first in BLASTP output. In such cases, the table above has been reordered to place it first.
See About the Figures for the scoring system used in the figure above right. The same scoring system was used in the table of BLASTP results.
Guide to the Human Genome
Copyright © 2010 by Stewart Scherer. All rights reserved.