BLASTP 2.2.11 [Jun-05-2005] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= gi|239753446 PREDICTED: hypothetical protein [Homo sapiens] (95 letters) Database: hs.faa 37,866 sequences; 18,247,518 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value gi|239753446 PREDICTED: hypothetical protein [Homo sapiens] 198 9e-52 gi|14251215 Kruppel-like factor 5 [Homo sapiens] 30 0.32 gi|41281981 toll-like receptor adaptor molecule 1 [Homo sapiens] 30 0.54 gi|7657419 opticin precursor [Homo sapiens] 30 0.54 gi|169206056 PREDICTED: similar to FRAS1 related extracellular m... 29 0.93 gi|113424309 PREDICTED: similar to FRAS1 related extracellular m... 29 0.93 gi|113424119 PREDICTED: similar to FRAS1 related extracellular m... 29 0.93 gi|94421473 paternally expressed 10 isoform RF1 [Homo sapiens] 29 0.93 gi|94421475 paternally expressed 10 isoform RF1/2 [Homo sapiens] 29 0.93 gi|223972670 thyrotrophic embryonic factor isoform 2 [Homo sapiens] 28 1.6 gi|239746988 PREDICTED: hypothetical protein XP_002344243 [Homo ... 28 1.6 gi|91199543 myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia 5 [Homo s... 28 1.6 gi|33636768 myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia 5 [Homo s... 28 1.6 gi|4507431 thyrotrophic embryonic factor isoform 1 [Homo sapiens] 28 1.6 gi|239743797 PREDICTED: similar to cell recognition molecule CAS... 28 2.1 gi|112790163 metal-regulatory transcription factor 1 [Homo sapiens] 28 2.1 gi|48255945 plasma membrane calcium ATPase 1 isoform 1b [Homo sa... 27 2.7 gi|27734911 DAZ interacting protein 1-like [Homo sapiens] 27 2.7 gi|153792074 proline rich 12 [Homo sapiens] 27 2.7 gi|28373065 potassium voltage-gated channel, KQT-like subfamily,... 27 3.5 gi|100816397 MYST histone acetyltransferase (monocytic leukemia)... 27 4.6 gi|156616294 peptidoglycan recognition protein 2 precursor [Homo... 26 6.0 gi|41872673 NIMA-related kinase 1 [Homo sapiens] 26 6.0 gi|163914392 glioma tumor suppressor candidate region gene 1 [Ho... 26 6.0 gi|195234779 hypothetical protein LOC60686 [Homo sapiens] 26 6.0 gi|195234776 hypothetical protein LOC60686 [Homo sapiens] 26 6.0 gi|195233774 hypothetical protein LOC60686 [Homo sapiens] 26 6.0 gi|187608777 NF-kappa-B inhibitor-like protein 2 [Homo sapiens] 26 6.0 gi|154937342 ring finger protein 190 [Homo sapiens] 26 6.0 gi|45238854 basic leucine zipper transcription factor, ATF-like ... 26 6.0 >gi|239753446 PREDICTED: hypothetical protein [Homo sapiens] Length = 95 Score = 198 bits (503), Expect = 9e-52 Identities = 95/95 (100%), Positives = 95/95 (100%) Query: 1 MVQEMFHRNFWNLEQEQLSEMPAGNGVTYKAKPHRLLLQSCAPVQRDAPDSSTSAPPPSP 60 MVQEMFHRNFWNLEQEQLSEMPAGNGVTYKAKPHRLLLQSCAPVQRDAPDSSTSAPPPSP Sbjct: 1 MVQEMFHRNFWNLEQEQLSEMPAGNGVTYKAKPHRLLLQSCAPVQRDAPDSSTSAPPPSP 60 Query: 61 SRLLLASHLSSSLFTSSHPKHGFITNVFIKPQGTG 95 SRLLLASHLSSSLFTSSHPKHGFITNVFIKPQGTG Sbjct: 61 SRLLLASHLSSSLFTSSHPKHGFITNVFIKPQGTG 95 >gi|14251215 Kruppel-like factor 5 [Homo sapiens] Length = 457 Score = 30.4 bits (67), Expect = 0.32 Identities = 17/50 (34%), Positives = 28/50 (56%), Gaps = 3/50 (6%) Query: 43 PVQRDAPDSSTSAPPPSPSRLLLASHLSSSLFTSSHPKHGFITNVFIKPQ 92 PV + S T+APPP+P++ L +S+F+S + N+FIK + Sbjct: 165 PVAIFSHQSETTAPPPAPTQALPE---FTSIFSSHQTAAPEVNNIFIKQE 211 >gi|41281981 toll-like receptor adaptor molecule 1 [Homo sapiens] Length = 712 Score = 29.6 bits (65), Expect = 0.54 Identities = 16/36 (44%), Positives = 21/36 (58%), Gaps = 1/36 (2%) Query: 43 PVQRDAPDSSTSAPPPSPSRLLLASHLS-SSLFTSS 77 P P++S PPP PS ++HL+ SSLF SS Sbjct: 350 PPTPTTPETSPPPPPPPPSSTPCSAHLTPSSLFPSS 385 >gi|7657419 opticin precursor [Homo sapiens] Length = 332 Score = 29.6 bits (65), Expect = 0.54 Identities = 16/46 (34%), Positives = 21/46 (45%) Query: 40 SCAPVQRDAPDSSTSAPPPSPSRLLLASHLSSSLFTSSHPKHGFIT 85 S AP +P ST+AP S + ++ L SS P HG T Sbjct: 82 SLAPATSISPAKSTTAPGTPSSNPTMTRPTTAGLLLSSQPNHGLPT 127 >gi|169206056 PREDICTED: similar to FRAS1 related extracellular matrix protein 2 [Homo sapiens] Length = 322 Score = 28.9 bits (63), Expect = 0.93 Identities = 13/26 (50%), Positives = 16/26 (61%) Query: 42 APVQRDAPDSSTSAPPPSPSRLLLAS 67 +P +R +P S S PPP P LLL S Sbjct: 38 SPRERASPSSPPSQPPPGPLPLLLVS 63 >gi|113424309 PREDICTED: similar to FRAS1 related extracellular matrix protein 2 [Homo sapiens] Length = 322 Score = 28.9 bits (63), Expect = 0.93 Identities = 13/26 (50%), Positives = 16/26 (61%) Query: 42 APVQRDAPDSSTSAPPPSPSRLLLAS 67 +P +R +P S S PPP P LLL S Sbjct: 38 SPRERASPSSPPSQPPPGPLPLLLVS 63 >gi|113424119 PREDICTED: similar to FRAS1 related extracellular matrix protein 2 [Homo sapiens] Length = 322 Score = 28.9 bits (63), Expect = 0.93 Identities = 13/26 (50%), Positives = 16/26 (61%) Query: 42 APVQRDAPDSSTSAPPPSPSRLLLAS 67 +P +R +P S S PPP P LLL S Sbjct: 38 SPRERASPSSPPSQPPPGPLPLLLVS 63 >gi|94421473 paternally expressed 10 isoform RF1 [Homo sapiens] Length = 325 Score = 28.9 bits (63), Expect = 0.93 Identities = 17/68 (25%), Positives = 31/68 (45%), Gaps = 7/68 (10%) Query: 4 EMFHRNFWNLEQEQLSEMPAGNGVTYKAKPHRLLLQSCAPVQRDAPDSSTSAPPPSPSRL 63 + +H + QE+LS + AK L+ C ++R ++ + P SP R Sbjct: 204 DQYHEGLSDHIQEELSHLEV-------AKSLSALIGQCIHIERRLARAAAARKPRSPPRA 256 Query: 64 LLASHLSS 71 L+ H++S Sbjct: 257 LVLPHIAS 264 >gi|94421475 paternally expressed 10 isoform RF1/2 [Homo sapiens] Length = 708 Score = 28.9 bits (63), Expect = 0.93 Identities = 17/68 (25%), Positives = 31/68 (45%), Gaps = 7/68 (10%) Query: 4 EMFHRNFWNLEQEQLSEMPAGNGVTYKAKPHRLLLQSCAPVQRDAPDSSTSAPPPSPSRL 63 + +H + QE+LS + AK L+ C ++R ++ + P SP R Sbjct: 204 DQYHEGLSDHIQEELSHLEV-------AKSLSALIGQCIHIERRLARAAAARKPRSPPRA 256 Query: 64 LLASHLSS 71 L+ H++S Sbjct: 257 LVLPHIAS 264 >gi|223972670 thyrotrophic embryonic factor isoform 2 [Homo sapiens] Length = 273 Score = 28.1 bits (61), Expect = 1.6 Identities = 22/70 (31%), Positives = 33/70 (47%), Gaps = 6/70 (8%) Query: 11 WNLEQEQLSEMPAGNGVTYKAKP----HRLLLQSCAPVQRDAPDSSTSAPPPSPSRLLLA 66 ++LE L E NG+ A P H LLL +++ SST++PP S + + Sbjct: 64 FHLEYMDLDEFLLENGIP--ASPTHLAHNLLLPVAELEGKESASSSTASPPSSSTAIFQP 121 Query: 67 SHLSSSLFTS 76 S SS +S Sbjct: 122 SETVSSTESS 131 >gi|239746988 PREDICTED: hypothetical protein XP_002344243 [Homo sapiens] Length = 212 Score = 28.1 bits (61), Expect = 1.6 Identities = 13/30 (43%), Positives = 20/30 (66%), Gaps = 1/30 (3%) Query: 33 PHRLLLQSCAPVQRDAPDSSTSAPPP-SPS 61 PHR++ SC ++D +S+ +APP SPS Sbjct: 155 PHRIMGLSCGSHRKDRGESTANAPPSRSPS 184 >gi|91199543 myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia 5 [Homo sapiens] Length = 1858 Score = 28.1 bits (61), Expect = 1.6 Identities = 11/26 (42%), Positives = 15/26 (57%) Query: 56 PPPSPSRLLLASHLSSSLFTSSHPKH 81 PPP PS +L + H ++S HP H Sbjct: 1719 PPPPPSSVLASGHHTTSAQALHHPPH 1744 >gi|33636768 myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia 5 [Homo sapiens] Length = 1858 Score = 28.1 bits (61), Expect = 1.6 Identities = 11/26 (42%), Positives = 15/26 (57%) Query: 56 PPPSPSRLLLASHLSSSLFTSSHPKH 81 PPP PS +L + H ++S HP H Sbjct: 1719 PPPPPSSVLASGHHTTSAQALHHPPH 1744 >gi|4507431 thyrotrophic embryonic factor isoform 1 [Homo sapiens] Length = 303 Score = 28.1 bits (61), Expect = 1.6 Identities = 22/70 (31%), Positives = 33/70 (47%), Gaps = 6/70 (8%) Query: 11 WNLEQEQLSEMPAGNGVTYKAKP----HRLLLQSCAPVQRDAPDSSTSAPPPSPSRLLLA 66 ++LE L E NG+ A P H LLL +++ SST++PP S + + Sbjct: 94 FHLEYMDLDEFLLENGIP--ASPTHLAHNLLLPVAELEGKESASSSTASPPSSSTAIFQP 151 Query: 67 SHLSSSLFTS 76 S SS +S Sbjct: 152 SETVSSTESS 161 >gi|239743797 PREDICTED: similar to cell recognition molecule CASPR3 [Homo sapiens] Length = 944 Score = 27.7 bits (60), Expect = 2.1 Identities = 18/56 (32%), Positives = 25/56 (44%), Gaps = 6/56 (10%) Query: 11 WNLEQEQLSEMPAGNGVTYKAKPHRLLLQS--C----APVQRDAPDSSTSAPPPSP 60 W E+ + + G +P R LL S C AP RDAP+ + S P +P Sbjct: 90 WERGTEEAAGITGGERQAELGRPSRSLLDSRCCRPPPAPSVRDAPEPAASVPGAAP 145 >gi|112790163 metal-regulatory transcription factor 1 [Homo sapiens] Length = 753 Score = 27.7 bits (60), Expect = 2.1 Identities = 17/52 (32%), Positives = 27/52 (51%), Gaps = 1/52 (1%) Query: 11 WNLEQEQLSEMPAGNGVTYKAKPHRLLLQSCA-PVQRDAPDSSTSAPPPSPS 61 +N + E +S++P G + +L + P Q P S+ SAPPP+PS Sbjct: 397 FNGDAESVSDVPPSTGNSASLSLPLVLQPGLSEPPQPLLPASAPSAPPPAPS 448 >gi|48255945 plasma membrane calcium ATPase 1 isoform 1b [Homo sapiens] Length = 1220 Score = 27.3 bits (59), Expect = 2.7 Identities = 12/32 (37%), Positives = 19/32 (59%), Gaps = 1/32 (3%) Query: 31 AKPHRLLLQSCAPVQRDAPDSSTSAPPPSPSR 62 ++PH L+ + DAP S+PPPSP++ Sbjct: 1155 SEPHIPLIDD-TDAEDDAPTKRNSSPPPSPNK 1185 >gi|27734911 DAZ interacting protein 1-like [Homo sapiens] Length = 767 Score = 27.3 bits (59), Expect = 2.7 Identities = 22/69 (31%), Positives = 28/69 (40%), Gaps = 8/69 (11%) Query: 27 VTYKAKPHRLLLQSCAPVQRDAPDSSTSAPPPSPSRLLLASHLSSSLFTSSHPKHGFITN 86 VT +A+P LQ P ST A PP P+R SH SS S+ H + Sbjct: 547 VTREAQPKTRTLQVALP--------STPAEPPPPTRQSHGSHGSSLTQVSAPAPHPGLHG 598 Query: 87 VFIKPQGTG 95 P +G Sbjct: 599 PSSTPPSSG 607 >gi|153792074 proline rich 12 [Homo sapiens] Length = 2036 Score = 27.3 bits (59), Expect = 2.7 Identities = 18/63 (28%), Positives = 25/63 (39%), Gaps = 3/63 (4%) Query: 33 PHRLLLQSCAPVQRDAPDSSTSAPPPSPSRLLLASHLSSSLFTSSHPKHGFITNVFIKPQ 92 P R L + ++ +S PPP P L +LS S+P G N+ P Sbjct: 278 PERALPRQDTVIKHYQRPASAQPPPPPPPAHALQHYLSCG---GSYPSMGHRANLACSPL 334 Query: 93 GTG 95 G G Sbjct: 335 GGG 337 >gi|28373065 potassium voltage-gated channel, KQT-like subfamily, member 5 isoform 1 [Homo sapiens] Length = 932 Score = 26.9 bits (58), Expect = 3.5 Identities = 12/42 (28%), Positives = 23/42 (54%) Query: 32 KPHRLLLQSCAPVQRDAPDSSTSAPPPSPSRLLLASHLSSSL 73 KPH L +C+P +++ ++S+S R+ +AS S+ Sbjct: 394 KPHLKALHTCSPTKKEQGEASSSQKLSFKERVRMASPRGQSI 435 >gi|100816397 MYST histone acetyltransferase (monocytic leukemia) 4 [Homo sapiens] Length = 2073 Score = 26.6 bits (57), Expect = 4.6 Identities = 20/60 (33%), Positives = 26/60 (43%), Gaps = 5/60 (8%) Query: 26 GVTYKAKPHRLLLQSCAPVQRDAPDS-----STSAPPPSPSRLLLASHLSSSLFTSSHPK 80 G T K KP L P+ +P S +TS+P P S + SSL T+S K Sbjct: 482 GTTQKLKPPPSSLPPPTPISGQSPSSQKSSTATSSPSPQSSSSQCSVPSLSSLTTNSQLK 541 >gi|156616294 peptidoglycan recognition protein 2 precursor [Homo sapiens] Length = 576 Score = 26.2 bits (56), Expect = 6.0 Identities = 17/51 (33%), Positives = 22/51 (43%), Gaps = 7/51 (13%) Query: 39 QSCAPVQRDAPDSSTSAPPPSPSRLL---LASHLSSSLF----TSSHPKHG 82 + C VQ PD+ +PP LL LA +L + T SHP G Sbjct: 194 KGCPDVQASLPDAKAKSPPTMVDSLLAVTLAGNLGLTFLRGSQTQSHPDLG 244 >gi|41872673 NIMA-related kinase 1 [Homo sapiens] Length = 1258 Score = 26.2 bits (56), Expect = 6.0 Identities = 13/40 (32%), Positives = 23/40 (57%) Query: 41 CAPVQRDAPDSSTSAPPPSPSRLLLASHLSSSLFTSSHPK 80 C+P + A S + PP + ++ L LS+ LF +++PK Sbjct: 1007 CSPEESFAFRSHSHLPPKNKNKNSLLIGLSTGLFDANNPK 1046 >gi|163914392 glioma tumor suppressor candidate region gene 1 [Homo sapiens] Length = 1560 Score = 26.2 bits (56), Expect = 6.0 Identities = 14/47 (29%), Positives = 23/47 (48%), Gaps = 2/47 (4%) Query: 19 SEMPAGNGVTYKAKPHRLLLQSCAPVQRDAPDSSTSAPPPSPSRLLL 65 S G + ++ HRL P+ AP +ST PP P++L++ Sbjct: 1204 SSRSLGLPIAASSEGHRL--PGHGPLSSSAPGASTQPPPHLPTKLVI 1248 >gi|195234779 hypothetical protein LOC60686 [Homo sapiens] Length = 538 Score = 26.2 bits (56), Expect = 6.0 Identities = 14/45 (31%), Positives = 20/45 (44%), Gaps = 2/45 (4%) Query: 35 RLLLQSCAPVQRDAPDSSTSAPPPSPSRLLLASHLSSSLFTSSHP 79 +L +Q P P++ T PPP P +L A+ S S P Sbjct: 228 QLAIQRATP--ETGPENGTKLPPPRPEDMLNAAAALDSALEESGP 270 >gi|195234776 hypothetical protein LOC60686 [Homo sapiens] Length = 538 Score = 26.2 bits (56), Expect = 6.0 Identities = 14/45 (31%), Positives = 20/45 (44%), Gaps = 2/45 (4%) Query: 35 RLLLQSCAPVQRDAPDSSTSAPPPSPSRLLLASHLSSSLFTSSHP 79 +L +Q P P++ T PPP P +L A+ S S P Sbjct: 228 QLAIQRATP--ETGPENGTKLPPPRPEDMLNAAAALDSALEESGP 270 >gi|195233774 hypothetical protein LOC60686 [Homo sapiens] Length = 538 Score = 26.2 bits (56), Expect = 6.0 Identities = 14/45 (31%), Positives = 20/45 (44%), Gaps = 2/45 (4%) Query: 35 RLLLQSCAPVQRDAPDSSTSAPPPSPSRLLLASHLSSSLFTSSHP 79 +L +Q P P++ T PPP P +L A+ S S P Sbjct: 228 QLAIQRATP--ETGPENGTKLPPPRPEDMLNAAAALDSALEESGP 270 >gi|187608777 NF-kappa-B inhibitor-like protein 2 [Homo sapiens] Length = 1378 Score = 26.2 bits (56), Expect = 6.0 Identities = 15/33 (45%), Positives = 18/33 (54%), Gaps = 1/33 (3%) Query: 30 KAKPHRLL-LQSCAPVQRDAPDSSTSAPPPSPS 61 +AK RL +QSC+ P S S PP SPS Sbjct: 875 RAKQVRLTCMQSCSAPVNAGPSSLASEPPGSPS 907 >gi|154937342 ring finger protein 190 [Homo sapiens] Length = 808 Score = 26.2 bits (56), Expect = 6.0 Identities = 14/46 (30%), Positives = 23/46 (50%) Query: 35 RLLLQSCAPVQRDAPDSSTSAPPPSPSRLLLASHLSSSLFTSSHPK 80 R L+ S P+ +APD + P +PS+ L LS + + P+ Sbjct: 201 RNLVPSSQPMTENAPDRAKKGDPSAPSQSELHPALSQAFQGKNSPQ 246 >gi|45238854 basic leucine zipper transcription factor, ATF-like 2 [Homo sapiens] Length = 274 Score = 26.2 bits (56), Expect = 6.0 Identities = 28/79 (35%), Positives = 33/79 (41%), Gaps = 23/79 (29%) Query: 14 EQEQLSEMPAGNGVTYKAKPHRLLLQSCAPVQRDAPD------------SSTSAPPP--- 58 EQ +L + P G Y A+P S P D+P + A PP Sbjct: 119 EQLELFQTP---GSCYPAQP-----LSPGPQPHDSPSLLQCPLPSLSLGPAVVAEPPVQL 170 Query: 59 SPSRLLLASHLSSSLFTSS 77 SPS LL ASH SSL SS Sbjct: 171 SPSPLLFASHTGSSLQGSS 189 Database: hs.faa Posted date: Aug 4, 2009 4:42 PM Number of letters in database: 18,247,518 Number of sequences in database: 37,866 Lambda K H 0.315 0.129 0.391 Gapped Lambda K H 0.267 0.0410 0.140 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 11, Extension: 1 Number of Hits to DB: 4,454,568 Number of Sequences: 37866 Number of extensions: 206348 Number of successful extensions: 1413 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 30 Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 19 Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 19 Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 1388 Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 47 length of query: 95 length of database: 18,247,518 effective HSP length: 66 effective length of query: 29 effective length of database: 15,748,362 effective search space: 456702498 effective search space used: 456702498 T: 11 A: 40 X1: 16 ( 7.3 bits) X2: 38 (14.6 bits) X3: 64 (24.7 bits) S1: 41 (21.6 bits) S2: 55 (25.8 bits)
Search results were obtained with NCBI BLAST and RefSeq entries.
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Copyright © 2010 by Stewart Scherer. All rights reserved.