BLASTP 2.2.11 [Jun-05-2005] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= gi|239756416 PREDICTED: hypothetical protein [Homo sapiens] (97 letters) Database: hs.faa 37,866 sequences; 18,247,518 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value gi|239756416 PREDICTED: hypothetical protein [Homo sapiens] 199 5e-52 gi|169208393 PREDICTED: hypothetical protein [Homo sapiens] 199 5e-52 gi|223890185 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2Q 2 isoform 2 [Homo ... 124 2e-29 gi|29789401 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2Q 2 isoform 1 [Homo s... 55 2e-08 gi|31543906 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2Q [Homo sapiens] 34 0.029 gi|16306487 cadherin 7, type 2 preproprotein [Homo sapiens] 28 2.1 gi|16306489 cadherin 7, type 2 preproprotein [Homo sapiens] 28 2.1 gi|78191787 early estrogen-induced gene 1 protein isoform a [Hom... 27 3.5 gi|24308440 family with sequence similarity 125, member A [Homo ... 26 6.0 gi|4507553 tropomodulin 1 [Homo sapiens] 26 6.0 gi|14249622 ajuba isoform 1 [Homo sapiens] 26 7.8 gi|13129006 nucleolar protein GU2 [Homo sapiens] 26 7.8 gi|150170672 thrombospondin, type I, domain containing 7A [Homo ... 26 7.8 gi|169234617 RAD9 homolog B [Homo sapiens] 26 7.8 gi|156151402 hypothetical protein LOC80183 [Homo sapiens] 26 7.8 >gi|239756416 PREDICTED: hypothetical protein [Homo sapiens] Length = 97 Score = 199 bits (505), Expect = 5e-52 Identities = 97/97 (100%), Positives = 97/97 (100%) Query: 1 MKTASLTEEKLECSLWCCLSDPSPRGLAARCCVLEGLIVQSRRQESSSSFSPICFVDSDE 60 MKTASLTEEKLECSLWCCLSDPSPRGLAARCCVLEGLIVQSRRQESSSSFSPICFVDSDE Sbjct: 1 MKTASLTEEKLECSLWCCLSDPSPRGLAARCCVLEGLIVQSRRQESSSSFSPICFVDSDE 60 Query: 61 PNLTSVLEHLEDTKNNHSVKREAKLFSLFLMNIIFRN 97 PNLTSVLEHLEDTKNNHSVKREAKLFSLFLMNIIFRN Sbjct: 61 PNLTSVLEHLEDTKNNHSVKREAKLFSLFLMNIIFRN 97 >gi|169208393 PREDICTED: hypothetical protein [Homo sapiens] Length = 97 Score = 199 bits (505), Expect = 5e-52 Identities = 97/97 (100%), Positives = 97/97 (100%) Query: 1 MKTASLTEEKLECSLWCCLSDPSPRGLAARCCVLEGLIVQSRRQESSSSFSPICFVDSDE 60 MKTASLTEEKLECSLWCCLSDPSPRGLAARCCVLEGLIVQSRRQESSSSFSPICFVDSDE Sbjct: 1 MKTASLTEEKLECSLWCCLSDPSPRGLAARCCVLEGLIVQSRRQESSSSFSPICFVDSDE 60 Query: 61 PNLTSVLEHLEDTKNNHSVKREAKLFSLFLMNIIFRN 97 PNLTSVLEHLEDTKNNHSVKREAKLFSLFLMNIIFRN Sbjct: 61 PNLTSVLEHLEDTKNNHSVKREAKLFSLFLMNIIFRN 97 >gi|223890185 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2Q 2 isoform 2 [Homo sapiens] Length = 359 Score = 124 bits (311), Expect = 2e-29 Identities = 61/84 (72%), Positives = 69/84 (82%) Query: 1 MKTASLTEEKLECSLWCCLSDPSPRGLAARCCVLEGLIVQSRRQESSSSFSPICFVDSDE 60 M+ SLTEEKLEC LWCCLSDPSP GLAARCCVLE IV S RQES S SPI FVDS++ Sbjct: 1 MRMDSLTEEKLECRLWCCLSDPSPPGLAARCCVLERSIVPSLRQESYPSSSPIWFVDSED 60 Query: 61 PNLTSVLEHLEDTKNNHSVKREAK 84 PNLTSVLE LEDTKNN+ ++++ K Sbjct: 61 PNLTSVLERLEDTKNNNLLRQQLK 84 >gi|29789401 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2Q 2 isoform 1 [Homo sapiens] Length = 375 Score = 54.7 bits (130), Expect = 2e-08 Identities = 26/40 (65%), Positives = 33/40 (82%) Query: 45 ESSSSFSPICFVDSDEPNLTSVLEHLEDTKNNHSVKREAK 84 ES S SPI FVDS++PNLTSVLE LEDTKNN+ ++++ K Sbjct: 61 ESYPSSSPIWFVDSEDPNLTSVLERLEDTKNNNLLRQQLK 100 >gi|31543906 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2Q [Homo sapiens] Length = 422 Score = 33.9 bits (76), Expect = 0.029 Identities = 16/35 (45%), Positives = 23/35 (65%) Query: 45 ESSSSFSPICFVDSDEPNLTSVLEHLEDTKNNHSV 79 ES + PI V+SD+PNL +VLE L D K +++ Sbjct: 110 ESYPAVPPIWSVESDDPNLAAVLERLVDIKKGNTL 144 >gi|16306487 cadherin 7, type 2 preproprotein [Homo sapiens] Length = 785 Score = 27.7 bits (60), Expect = 2.1 Identities = 13/24 (54%), Positives = 16/24 (66%) Query: 42 RRQESSSSFSPICFVDSDEPNLTS 65 RRQE S + PI VDS P+L+S Sbjct: 551 RRQEQSVYYLPIFIVDSGSPSLSS 574 >gi|16306489 cadherin 7, type 2 preproprotein [Homo sapiens] Length = 785 Score = 27.7 bits (60), Expect = 2.1 Identities = 13/24 (54%), Positives = 16/24 (66%) Query: 42 RRQESSSSFSPICFVDSDEPNLTS 65 RRQE S + PI VDS P+L+S Sbjct: 551 RRQEQSVYYLPIFIVDSGSPSLSS 574 >gi|78191787 early estrogen-induced gene 1 protein isoform a [Homo sapiens] Length = 384 Score = 26.9 bits (58), Expect = 3.5 Identities = 11/29 (37%), Positives = 19/29 (65%) Query: 19 LSDPSPRGLAARCCVLEGLIVQSRRQESS 47 L++ + G RCC+LEG ++ RQ++S Sbjct: 107 LAEFAGSGSTVRCCLLEGYDTKNTRQDNS 135 >gi|24308440 family with sequence similarity 125, member A [Homo sapiens] Length = 273 Score = 26.2 bits (56), Expect = 6.0 Identities = 10/21 (47%), Positives = 12/21 (57%) Query: 16 WCCLSDPSPRGLAARCCVLEG 36 W S P PRG +A C +EG Sbjct: 17 WSSASAPPPRGFSAISCTVEG 37 >gi|4507553 tropomodulin 1 [Homo sapiens] Length = 359 Score = 26.2 bits (56), Expect = 6.0 Identities = 14/30 (46%), Positives = 15/30 (50%) Query: 56 VDSDEPNLTSVLEHLEDTKNNHSVKREAKL 85 V +EPN T V E LE KNN E L Sbjct: 173 VPDEEPNSTDVEETLERIKNNDPKLEEVNL 202 >gi|14249622 ajuba isoform 1 [Homo sapiens] Length = 538 Score = 25.8 bits (55), Expect = 7.8 Identities = 11/28 (39%), Positives = 15/28 (53%) Query: 28 AARCCVLEGLIVQSRRQESSSSFSPICF 55 A +CCV LI++ Q S+ P CF Sbjct: 400 AEKCCVCGHLILEKILQAMGKSYHPGCF 427 >gi|13129006 nucleolar protein GU2 [Homo sapiens] Length = 737 Score = 25.8 bits (55), Expect = 7.8 Identities = 15/54 (27%), Positives = 25/54 (46%) Query: 22 PSPRGLAARCCVLEGLIVQSRRQESSSSFSPICFVDSDEPNLTSVLEHLEDTKN 75 PS + L ++ L +SSF P + SD+ +T LE LE+ ++ Sbjct: 547 PSAQRLIEEKGAVDALAAALAHISGASSFEPRSLITSDKGFVTMTLESLEEIQD 600 >gi|150170672 thrombospondin, type I, domain containing 7A [Homo sapiens] Length = 1657 Score = 25.8 bits (55), Expect = 7.8 Identities = 12/32 (37%), Positives = 19/32 (59%) Query: 11 LECSLWCCLSDPSPRGLAARCCVLEGLIVQSR 42 +EC + C LSD SP ++ C L G +++ R Sbjct: 1281 VECPVNCQLSDWSPWSECSQTCGLTGKMIRRR 1312 >gi|169234617 RAD9 homolog B [Homo sapiens] Length = 429 Score = 25.8 bits (55), Expect = 7.8 Identities = 18/53 (33%), Positives = 23/53 (43%), Gaps = 6/53 (11%) Query: 21 DPSPRGLAARCCVLEGLIVQSRRQESSSSFSPICFVDSDEPNLTSVLEHLEDT 73 DPS +GLA RC + SR FSP+ F L + E+ DT Sbjct: 34 DPSKKGLALRC------VNSSRSAYGCVLFSPVFFQHYQWSALVKMSENELDT 80 >gi|156151402 hypothetical protein LOC80183 [Homo sapiens] Length = 662 Score = 25.8 bits (55), Expect = 7.8 Identities = 13/22 (59%), Positives = 15/22 (68%) Query: 35 EGLIVQSRRQESSSSFSPICFV 56 EG + SRR SS+SFSP FV Sbjct: 178 EGAVQVSRRTISSNSFSPEVFV 199 Database: hs.faa Posted date: Aug 4, 2009 4:42 PM Number of letters in database: 18,247,518 Number of sequences in database: 37,866 Lambda K H 0.320 0.131 0.395 Gapped Lambda K H 0.267 0.0410 0.140 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 11, Extension: 1 Number of Hits to DB: 3,603,034 Number of Sequences: 37866 Number of extensions: 135367 Number of successful extensions: 368 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 15 Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 14 Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 1 Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 354 Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 15 length of query: 97 length of database: 18,247,518 effective HSP length: 68 effective length of query: 29 effective length of database: 15,672,630 effective search space: 454506270 effective search space used: 454506270 T: 11 A: 40 X1: 16 ( 7.4 bits) X2: 38 (14.6 bits) X3: 64 (24.7 bits) S1: 41 (21.8 bits) S2: 55 (25.8 bits)
Search results were obtained with NCBI BLAST and RefSeq entries.
Guide to the Human Genome
Copyright © 2010 by Stewart Scherer. All rights reserved.