BLASTP 2.2.11 [Jun-05-2005] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= gi|169160863 PREDICTED: similar to guanylate-binding protein 5 [Homo sapiens] (112 letters) Database: hs.faa 37,866 sequences; 18,247,518 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value gi|169160863 PREDICTED: similar to guanylate-binding protein 5 [... 226 2e-60 gi|157671915 guanylate binding protein family, member 6 [Homo sa... 109 4e-25 gi|148234215 guanylate binding protein 4-like [Homo sapiens] 102 9e-23 gi|31377634 guanylate binding protein 4 [Homo sapiens] 102 9e-23 gi|197333737 guanylate-binding protein 5 [Homo sapiens] 77 4e-15 gi|16418425 guanylate-binding protein 5 [Homo sapiens] 77 4e-15 gi|38327558 guanylate binding protein 2, interferon-inducible [H... 74 3e-14 gi|112382372 guanylate binding protein 3 [Homo sapiens] 70 4e-13 gi|166706903 guanylate binding protein 1, interferon-inducible, ... 70 5e-13 gi|157042792 coiled-coil domain containing 64B [Homo sapiens] 28 1.6 gi|224831253 optic atrophy 1 isoform 8 [Homo sapiens] 27 2.7 gi|224831251 optic atrophy 1 isoform 7 [Homo sapiens] 27 2.7 gi|18860841 optic atrophy 1 isoform 6 [Homo sapiens] 27 2.7 gi|18860835 optic atrophy 1 isoform 4 [Homo sapiens] 27 2.7 gi|148277037 AP2 associated kinase 1 [Homo sapiens] 27 4.6 gi|33188443 microfilament and actin filament cross-linker protei... 26 6.0 gi|33188445 microfilament and actin filament cross-linker protei... 26 6.0 gi|38455391 ribonuclease H2, large subunit [Homo sapiens] 26 7.8 >gi|169160863 PREDICTED: similar to guanylate-binding protein 5 [Homo sapiens] Length = 112 Score = 226 bits (577), Expect = 2e-60 Identities = 112/112 (100%), Positives = 112/112 (100%) Query: 1 MTLAQRENSVALQRAANHYSQQMAQRMRFPTDMLQELLDMHTACEREAIAVFMEHSRGEN 60 MTLAQRENSVALQRAANHYSQQMAQRMRFPTDMLQELLDMHTACEREAIAVFMEHSRGEN Sbjct: 1 MTLAQRENSVALQRAANHYSQQMAQRMRFPTDMLQELLDMHTACEREAIAVFMEHSRGEN 60 Query: 61 QEFQKKLMSHWGKMTNKTVKVCLVETAILKNALMVTGMHVSTVDQEKNNHTL 112 QEFQKKLMSHWGKMTNKTVKVCLVETAILKNALMVTGMHVSTVDQEKNNHTL Sbjct: 61 QEFQKKLMSHWGKMTNKTVKVCLVETAILKNALMVTGMHVSTVDQEKNNHTL 112 >gi|157671915 guanylate binding protein family, member 6 [Homo sapiens] Length = 633 Score = 109 bits (273), Expect = 4e-25 Identities = 54/69 (78%), Positives = 62/69 (89%), Gaps = 1/69 (1%) Query: 1 MTLAQRENSVALQRAANHYSQQMAQRMRFPTDMLQELLDMHTACEREAIAVFMEHS-RGE 59 +TLAQRENS A+QRAA++YSQQMAQR++ PTD LQELLDMH ACEREAIA+FMEHS + E Sbjct: 316 ITLAQRENSAAVQRAADYYSQQMAQRVKLPTDTLQELLDMHAACEREAIAIFMEHSFKDE 375 Query: 60 NQEFQKKLM 68 NQEFQKK M Sbjct: 376 NQEFQKKFM 384 >gi|148234215 guanylate binding protein 4-like [Homo sapiens] Length = 638 Score = 102 bits (253), Expect = 9e-23 Identities = 51/67 (76%), Positives = 60/67 (89%), Gaps = 1/67 (1%) Query: 3 LAQRENSVALQRAANHYSQQMAQRMRFPTDMLQELLDMHTACEREAIAVFMEHS-RGENQ 61 LAQ ENS A+QRAANHYSQQMAQ++RFPTD LQELLD+H CEREAIAVFME+S + ++Q Sbjct: 318 LAQCENSAAVQRAANHYSQQMAQQVRFPTDTLQELLDVHAVCEREAIAVFMEYSFKDKSQ 377 Query: 62 EFQKKLM 68 EFQKKL+ Sbjct: 378 EFQKKLV 384 >gi|31377634 guanylate binding protein 4 [Homo sapiens] Length = 640 Score = 102 bits (253), Expect = 9e-23 Identities = 51/67 (76%), Positives = 58/67 (86%), Gaps = 1/67 (1%) Query: 3 LAQRENSVALQRAANHYSQQMAQRMRFPTDMLQELLDMHTACEREAIAVFMEHS-RGENQ 61 LAQ EN A+QRAA+HYSQQMAQ++R PTD LQELLD+H ACEREAIAVFMEHS + EN Sbjct: 333 LAQLENPAAVQRAADHYSQQMAQQLRLPTDTLQELLDVHAACEREAIAVFMEHSFKDENH 392 Query: 62 EFQKKLM 68 EFQKKL+ Sbjct: 393 EFQKKLV 399 >gi|197333737 guanylate-binding protein 5 [Homo sapiens] Length = 586 Score = 76.6 bits (187), Expect = 4e-15 Identities = 38/68 (55%), Positives = 51/68 (75%), Gaps = 1/68 (1%) Query: 1 MTLAQRENSVALQRAANHYSQQMAQRMRFPTDMLQELLDMHTACEREAIAVFMEHS-RGE 59 + LAQRENS A+Q+A HY QQM Q+++ P + LQELLD+H EREAI VFM++S + Sbjct: 315 LALAQRENSAAVQKAIAHYDQQMGQKVQLPMETLQELLDLHRTSEREAIEVFMKNSFKDV 374 Query: 60 NQEFQKKL 67 +Q FQK+L Sbjct: 375 DQSFQKEL 382 >gi|16418425 guanylate-binding protein 5 [Homo sapiens] Length = 586 Score = 76.6 bits (187), Expect = 4e-15 Identities = 38/68 (55%), Positives = 51/68 (75%), Gaps = 1/68 (1%) Query: 1 MTLAQRENSVALQRAANHYSQQMAQRMRFPTDMLQELLDMHTACEREAIAVFMEHS-RGE 59 + LAQRENS A+Q+A HY QQM Q+++ P + LQELLD+H EREAI VFM++S + Sbjct: 315 LALAQRENSAAVQKAIAHYDQQMGQKVQLPMETLQELLDLHRTSEREAIEVFMKNSFKDV 374 Query: 60 NQEFQKKL 67 +Q FQK+L Sbjct: 375 DQSFQKEL 382 >gi|38327558 guanylate binding protein 2, interferon-inducible [Homo sapiens] Length = 591 Score = 73.6 bits (179), Expect = 3e-14 Identities = 37/68 (54%), Positives = 51/68 (75%), Gaps = 1/68 (1%) Query: 1 MTLAQRENSVALQRAANHYSQQMAQRMRFPTDMLQELLDMHTACEREAIAVFMEHS-RGE 59 + LAQ ENS A+++A HY QQM Q+++ PT+ LQELLD+H EREAI VFM++S + Sbjct: 315 LALAQIENSAAVEKAIAHYEQQMGQKVQLPTETLQELLDLHRDSEREAIEVFMKNSFKDV 374 Query: 60 NQEFQKKL 67 +Q FQ+KL Sbjct: 375 DQMFQRKL 382 >gi|112382372 guanylate binding protein 3 [Homo sapiens] Length = 595 Score = 70.1 bits (170), Expect = 4e-13 Identities = 36/74 (48%), Positives = 50/74 (67%), Gaps = 1/74 (1%) Query: 1 MTLAQRENSVALQRAANHYSQQMAQRMRFPTDMLQELLDMHTACEREAIAVFMEHS-RGE 59 + LAQ ENS A+Q+A HY QQM Q+++ P + LQELLD+H EREA V+M++S + Sbjct: 315 LALAQIENSAAVQKAIAHYDQQMGQKVQLPAETLQELLDLHRVSEREATEVYMKNSFKDV 374 Query: 60 NQEFQKKLMSHWGK 73 + FQKKL + K Sbjct: 375 DHLFQKKLAAQLDK 388 >gi|166706903 guanylate binding protein 1, interferon-inducible, 67kDa [Homo sapiens] Length = 592 Score = 69.7 bits (169), Expect = 5e-13 Identities = 37/74 (50%), Positives = 50/74 (67%), Gaps = 1/74 (1%) Query: 1 MTLAQRENSVALQRAANHYSQQMAQRMRFPTDMLQELLDMHTACEREAIAVFMEHS-RGE 59 + LAQ ENS A+Q+A HY QQM Q+++ PT+ LQELLD+H EREAI VF+ S + Sbjct: 317 LALAQIENSAAVQKAIAHYEQQMGQKVQLPTETLQELLDLHRDSEREAIEVFIRSSFKDV 376 Query: 60 NQEFQKKLMSHWGK 73 + FQK+L + K Sbjct: 377 DHLFQKELAAQLEK 390 >gi|157042792 coiled-coil domain containing 64B [Homo sapiens] Length = 508 Score = 28.1 bits (61), Expect = 1.6 Identities = 20/69 (28%), Positives = 34/69 (49%), Gaps = 8/69 (11%) Query: 6 RENSVALQRAANH---YSQQMAQRMRFPTDMLQELLDMHTACEREAIA-----VFMEHSR 57 RE + AL + SQQ+AQ + ++ +EL + C+ +A+A +E + Sbjct: 144 RERARALSELSEQNLRLSQQLAQASQTEQELQRELDALRGQCQAQALAGAELRTRLESLQ 203 Query: 58 GENQEFQKK 66 GENQ Q + Sbjct: 204 GENQMLQSR 212 >gi|224831253 optic atrophy 1 isoform 8 [Homo sapiens] Length = 1015 Score = 27.3 bits (59), Expect = 2.7 Identities = 22/68 (32%), Positives = 35/68 (51%), Gaps = 9/68 (13%) Query: 6 RENSVALQRAANHYSQQMAQRMRFPT-----DMLQELLDMHTACEREAIAVFMEHSRGEN 60 +E+ +RAA YS AQ+ R + D LQE L +HT + + I +E EN Sbjct: 240 QEHEEEARRAAGQYSTSYAQQKRKVSDKEKIDQLQEEL-LHTQLKYQRI---LERLEKEN 295 Query: 61 QEFQKKLM 68 +E +K ++ Sbjct: 296 KELRKLVL 303 >gi|224831251 optic atrophy 1 isoform 7 [Homo sapiens] Length = 997 Score = 27.3 bits (59), Expect = 2.7 Identities = 22/68 (32%), Positives = 35/68 (51%), Gaps = 9/68 (13%) Query: 6 RENSVALQRAANHYSQQMAQRMRFPT-----DMLQELLDMHTACEREAIAVFMEHSRGEN 60 +E+ +RAA YS AQ+ R + D LQE L +HT + + I +E EN Sbjct: 222 QEHEEEARRAAGQYSTSYAQQKRKVSDKEKIDQLQEEL-LHTQLKYQRI---LERLEKEN 277 Query: 61 QEFQKKLM 68 +E +K ++ Sbjct: 278 KELRKLVL 285 >gi|18860841 optic atrophy 1 isoform 6 [Homo sapiens] Length = 979 Score = 27.3 bits (59), Expect = 2.7 Identities = 22/68 (32%), Positives = 35/68 (51%), Gaps = 9/68 (13%) Query: 6 RENSVALQRAANHYSQQMAQRMRFPT-----DMLQELLDMHTACEREAIAVFMEHSRGEN 60 +E+ +RAA YS AQ+ R + D LQE L +HT + + I +E EN Sbjct: 204 QEHEEEARRAAGQYSTSYAQQKRKVSDKEKIDQLQEEL-LHTQLKYQRI---LERLEKEN 259 Query: 61 QEFQKKLM 68 +E +K ++ Sbjct: 260 KELRKLVL 267 >gi|18860835 optic atrophy 1 isoform 4 [Homo sapiens] Length = 961 Score = 27.3 bits (59), Expect = 2.7 Identities = 22/68 (32%), Positives = 35/68 (51%), Gaps = 9/68 (13%) Query: 6 RENSVALQRAANHYSQQMAQRMRFPT-----DMLQELLDMHTACEREAIAVFMEHSRGEN 60 +E+ +RAA YS AQ+ R + D LQE L +HT + + I +E EN Sbjct: 186 QEHEEEARRAAGQYSTSYAQQKRKVSDKEKIDQLQEEL-LHTQLKYQRI---LERLEKEN 241 Query: 61 QEFQKKLM 68 +E +K ++ Sbjct: 242 KELRKLVL 249 >gi|148277037 AP2 associated kinase 1 [Homo sapiens] Length = 961 Score = 26.6 bits (57), Expect = 4.6 Identities = 17/50 (34%), Positives = 24/50 (48%), Gaps = 8/50 (16%) Query: 13 QRAANHYSQQMAQRMRFPTDMLQELLDMHTACEREAIAVFMEHSRGENQE 62 Q A Y QQ AQ +F +H A ++ AIA F S+G +Q+ Sbjct: 484 QPAGTFYQQQQAQTQQFQA--------VHPATQQPAIAQFPVVSQGGSQQ 525 >gi|33188443 microfilament and actin filament cross-linker protein isoform b [Homo sapiens] Length = 5938 Score = 26.2 bits (56), Expect = 6.0 Identities = 21/69 (30%), Positives = 27/69 (39%), Gaps = 2/69 (2%) Query: 4 AQRENSVALQRAANHYSQQMAQRMRFPTDMLQELLDMHTACEREAIAVFMEHSRGENQEF 63 A R N + A+ QQM +R D Q C A ++ EN+EF Sbjct: 3222 ADRINRLQAALASTQQFQQMFDELRTWLDDKQS--QQAKNCPISAKLERLQSQLQENEEF 3279 Query: 64 QKKLMSHWG 72 QK L H G Sbjct: 3280 QKSLNQHSG 3288 >gi|33188445 microfilament and actin filament cross-linker protein isoform a [Homo sapiens] Length = 5430 Score = 26.2 bits (56), Expect = 6.0 Identities = 21/69 (30%), Positives = 27/69 (39%), Gaps = 2/69 (2%) Query: 4 AQRENSVALQRAANHYSQQMAQRMRFPTDMLQELLDMHTACEREAIAVFMEHSRGENQEF 63 A R N + A+ QQM +R D Q C A ++ EN+EF Sbjct: 2720 ADRINRLQAALASTQQFQQMFDELRTWLDDKQS--QQAKNCPISAKLERLQSQLQENEEF 2777 Query: 64 QKKLMSHWG 72 QK L H G Sbjct: 2778 QKSLNQHSG 2786 >gi|38455391 ribonuclease H2, large subunit [Homo sapiens] Length = 299 Score = 25.8 bits (55), Expect = 7.8 Identities = 13/30 (43%), Positives = 18/30 (60%) Query: 42 TACEREAIAVFMEHSRGENQEFQKKLMSHW 71 T E+EA V E S ENQE +K+ S++ Sbjct: 243 TILEKEAEDVIWEDSASENQEGLRKITSYF 272 Database: hs.faa Posted date: Aug 4, 2009 4:42 PM Number of letters in database: 18,247,518 Number of sequences in database: 37,866 Lambda K H 0.319 0.125 0.352 Gapped Lambda K H 0.267 0.0410 0.140 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 11, Extension: 1 Number of Hits to DB: 3,445,039 Number of Sequences: 37866 Number of extensions: 114224 Number of successful extensions: 336 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 18 Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 10 Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 8 Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 322 Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 20 length of query: 112 length of database: 18,247,518 effective HSP length: 82 effective length of query: 30 effective length of database: 15,142,506 effective search space: 454275180 effective search space used: 454275180 T: 11 A: 40 X1: 16 ( 7.4 bits) X2: 38 (14.6 bits) X3: 64 (24.7 bits) S1: 41 (21.9 bits) S2: 55 (25.8 bits)
Search results were obtained with NCBI BLAST and RefSeq entries.
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Copyright © 2010 by Stewart Scherer. All rights reserved.